Author: Admin SSOC

Impingement Syndrome: Symptoms & Treatments

Impingement of the shoulder is an extremely common problem associated with shoulder pain. It occurs due to the impingement of tendons in the shoulder. Repeated

Knee Cartilage Injuries: Cause & Symptoms

Located in our knee are cartilage tissues that act as shock absorbers. These shock absorbers are tough but yet flexible tissues that are located throughout

SLAP Tears: Cause & Symptoms

A slap tear is an injury to the shoulder. SLAP stands for “superior labrum, anterior to posterior”.  This means that the top portion of the

Hip Surgery For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is not a selective disease. This indicates that RA can occur in any joint in the body, destroying it and causing pain

Causes And Recovery Of Nerve Injuries

Nerves are the ones that sense what is happening and passes that information to our brain where it will get processed. They are extremely fragile

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