Common Childhood Orthopedic Conditions

When it comes to your child’s growth, you may notice things from time-to-time that don’t seem quite as they should. Those could include things such as their speech, you may notice they seem to have flatfeet, or even that they suffer from knock-knees. While most often times you’ll find your children grow out of some of these concerns you have, others may not grow out of them and need assistance in handling the situation. Here are some common conditions children deal with of an orthopedic nature.

Walking on Their Toes

Most times you’ll find your toddler that is learning to walk with walk on their toes. As they get stronger and walk more consistently, this should disappear. However, if it does not and your child is over age 3, they need to see a doctor about this condition. This can cause harm to their muscles later in life if it is not dealt with at an early age.

Flatfeet That Stay

Typically, babies are born with their feet flat and develop their arches later on in life. However, there are some children who never get an arch and they still have flat feet later on. This may appear that they have weakness in their ankles due to the way their foot appears when they are standing straight up. Doctors say that most times this is not a cause for concern but in those cases where pain is involved, they may prescribe arch supports to assist in reducing the discomfort and help the foot to develop correctly.


While a lot of children do show a slight tendency towards the knock-knee condition, more often they not it is something they grow out of. However, if they do not grow out of it or one side is more pronounced than the other, you should seek medical assistance. Such items as braces or inserts in the shoes can help your child’s legs start to straighten out and reduce any pain they may be having.

Other conditions that may require a doctor’s visit include pigeon toes or children who seem to have the bowing out of their legs. In most cases all of these conditions are something your children will grow out of without any intervention. In the cases where you do need to seek intervention, the orthopedic specialists can assist you in making sure your child is comfortable and growing at the pace they should be.

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