Top 4 Yoga Injuries: Prevention

All around the world you’ll find people getting into the sun salutation position or downward dog at their local Yoga studio. Maybe they’re even doing Yoga at home with their own mat and via the television. Either way, Yoga injuries can still occur if you are not careful. Just like any other sport you can experience lower back pain or other injuries if you do not do the positions as they are meant to be. Check out a few of the ways people get injured during Yoga and how you can prevent it from happening to you.

Wrist Pain

One of the most common Yoga injuries is pain to the wrists during the poses. A lot of times your wrist carries most of your body weight in the poses and this can lead to injuries. You have to learn the right techniques to leveraging the weight while still holding the correct position.

Shoulder Pain

Be careful not to shrug your shoulders and hold them up to high during your positions. When you raise your shoulders up to your ears, you are not allowing the neck muscles to support you as they should. This can cause pain and injury to your shoulder areas.

Lower Back Pain

While many people use these stretches to relieve lower back pain, some end up having pain because of improperly doing the pose. When you are folding forward in your positions, you want to make sure that you take it slowly and do the position in the correct way. Otherwise it leaves your back going in the wrong direction which can lead to disc pain or injury.

Knee Pain

This can arise from sitting in the Lotus position which is a full cross-legged position. If you have knee pain already, then it’s best to avoid this position. Always make sure that you do not aggravate your pain by pushing your body further than it’s ready to go.

How to Prevent Yoga Injuries

It is vital that you learn the correct positioning for all poses before starting a full class. You can take the beginners class or work with a trainer before pushing yourself too far. They can help you learn the correct way to get into position and hold it without putting yourself in danger of injuries. While Yoga is a fabulous way to get exercise and flexibility, it can also be painful if you push your body farther than you should. Take it slow and learn the right techniques, and in no time you’ll be doing the head stands!

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